Bio of Timothy Williams

Timothy Williams was born and raised in New Brunswick, N.J., the youngest of four children. Unfortunately, his life experiences are not unique. He was born into a dysfunctional family while growing up in an impoverished inner city. He encountered situations that forced him to be a man before his time.
His parents tried to look out for his best interest; his mother, the foundation and soul of the family, instilled the values of hard work, perseverance, and self-reliance in all of her children. However, his father's inconsistent lifestyle and regular bouts with alcohol caused him to manifest much of the buried pain and confusion he had experienced as an impressionable child as he grew into adulthood while often struggling in a contradictory and chaotic home environment. Timothy became adept in urban survival skills, which would eventually prove him a thought-provoking, resilient winner.
Caught up in criminal activity and drug dependency as a teen, Timothy began to practice insane behavior that became the norm to him over time. On a path to destruction, he had lost himself. After deep prayer, studying, and personal reflection. Timothy knew that he had to change. God was paramount in his transformation as he realized that His omnipotent spirit was his equalizer. Reading a variety of literature empowered him to use his past as a point of reference, not as an excuse to fail or for being average. The love of his family, particularly his children, gave him purpose. His paradigm shift was evident when he accepted that he could help transform his community's unhealthy aspects. A renewed spirit began to order his steps. He began to understand that he was a diamond in the rough from birth and that his countless life struggles were necessary for him to reach greatness. He refused not to allow those he could change the right to passage and freedom.
Currently, he is involved with The GEO Group ( Re-Entry Care ) to stamp out the recidivism rate as it applies to the lack of spirituality, environment, upbringing, education, criminality, prison, sickness, and death, etc. A part of GEO's Alumni Association, he focuses on the re-entry residents, analyzing and changing their mindsets concerning criminality, drug dependency, and personal issues making it easier for them to re-enter society. He is also in the process of completing his first book, "The Game," part of a planned trilogy drawing on his experiences journeying through and escaping from inner-city American's crippling cage to become a positive and productive citizen.